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Thanks for dropping in. Just a bit about me: I’m a wife, mother of two, and attorney. I work at a small firm and specialize in general business and real estate litigation. For fun, I run marathons and triathlons (I’ve even completed two Ironman triathlons), attempt photography and scrapbooking, and play with my kids. Occasionally, my husband and I will sneak out to the movies or theater – he’s the movie buff.

I’m plagued with a home that has dirty dishes in the sink, baskets of clean laundry that never seem to get put away, a daughter with pen or marker somewhere on her body, and a list of missed workouts. Oh, and we eat take-out for dinner too much. Even though I work hard to further my career, I somehow expect perfection: a spotless home, an impeccably dressed child, a home-cooked meal every night, and 5-6 workouts a week. Finally, I realized that no one expects this of me – these are just my unreasonable expectations.  I didn’t realize this until I was four months pregnant with baby number 2 (with the fatigue and nausea) and dropping my daughter off at school covered from head to toe in markers and highlighter. Finally, I accepted that perfection wasn’t necessary.  I’ve now learned to prioritize. This means my child may be a little messy sometimes, my house isn’t always perfect, and take-out for dinner is okay.

Here’s a few pictures of the family. We don’t have a picture of the entire family yet because the youngest was born in mid-July.

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